新多益(New TOEIC)旨在測驗職場英語溝通能力,試題內容真實反應職場互動情境,語意上以日常口語溝通或文字表達為主,語法上以明確呈現語意為要。因此,詞彙成了乘載語意的重要媒介,也跨越語法障礙,構成試題語本與文本的主要元素。熟習新多益詞彙就是爭取高分、穩操勝券的不二法門。
(一)不論英語底子如何,直攻新多益核心詞彙:雖然新多益測驗沒有明訂字表,但是就其命題方向,仍然可以確實掌握許多必然入題的詞彙。(二)每個核心單字都要能夠準確發音:語音是語言學習的根本,發音是記憶單字的基礎,不會唸的字,就無法聽音辨義或長期記憶,也沒辦法成為得分的助力。(三)瞭解單字的定義、專業知識、與相關字的比較,達到掌握或預測語意的效果:例如annuity, bonus, penalty, pension, subsidy, allowance等單字皆與金錢有關,但是定義、專業知識各個不同,使用時機當然也不同。(四)從廣泛閱讀或頻繁聽音中溫習學過的單字,同時尋找待學習的新單字:將單字從被動詞彙(passive vocabulary)轉化成主動詞彙(active vocabulary)的最佳方式就是運用,越常運用就越能內化為語言知能的一部分。閱讀與聽力都是語言的吸收性技巧(receptive skills),也都是單字學習過程的重要環節。
What is the goal of TOEIC? By simply looking at the name of the test one can see that it purposes international communication. A further goal of the Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) is to test a student’s ability to communicate in a business environment. The concepts of “business” and “international” are key factors in the reasons why so many students take the test. There is no doubt that this test, which is recognized by language schools, multinational corporations and governments, is a good thing. International communication is a very broad and challenging concept. Culture and tradition play immeasurable roles in how we perceive people and act toward them. It is needless to say that the domain of international communication is fraught with potential problems that might arise from cultural differences. Then we haven’t even mentioned the problems that come from the business perspective. Corporations, companies, takeovers and mergers: all these concepts and ideas just beg to be misunderstood. That is why there is a book like this one.
We want the reader, you, to not only learn the English words and their meanings. We would like you to actively take part in imagining the scenarios that we create with our examples. In your mind you can even role-play the situations, actions and feelings of the characters we created. This will give you a richer experience of the vocabulary and help you take the first step into the practical use of your newly acquired knowledge. So, when considering the aforementioned goal of the TOEIC, to test a student’s ability in business English on an international level, we thought it wise to keep exactly that in mind as we wrote. In the process of writing this book we thought it best to use examples from multiple fields in the business arena. You will read about salesclerks, managers, CEOs and even plumbers. You will get an idea of how a small business owner might act and talk, and even how the president of a multinational company or a country’s leader, might voice his opinions.
This book can be used as a teaching aid by the teacher who quickly needs a new perspective or example. It can be a guide to the student who desperately needs an answer, or the one who is simply looking for trivial information. It should be used by all TOEIC students as a reference during their studies. Don’t try to read the book from cover to cover. It will be of little use, as our cognitive processes need previous references to make learning possible. If you don’t have such a reference, either from a question that you want to answer or a sentence you heard, you won’t learn much. Many of the words we use in the examples come from the book itself. Follow up on the words you don’t know to give yourself a richer and more rewarding experience. It would be naïve to believe that you will learn all there is to learn in the world of trade and finance in a short period of time.
Learning is a lifelong process, and when learning is concentrated into a specific period of time (as with a test such as the TOEIC) some facts are sure to be forgotten or overlooked. So, be patient with yourself. It is our hope that, after you pass the test and take up your dream position in the international business world, you will use the book from time to time. Make this book one of your favorite reference guides as you become a success in the whirlwind-world of international business.
Corné Viljoen, Elmari Viljoen
Corné Viljoen、Elmari Viljoen