Do not sit around and wait for life to happen to you. Get in the driver’s seat and steer your life ship on the course of your own choosing. If you are not willing to be in the captain’s seat, and to stear your own boat; then don’t complain about where chance and happenstance takes you.
If you have a dream, then be passionate about it, but realize that there is no shortcut to success. Hard work and persistence are the two required ingredients. Whether your goal is learning a new language or getting your dream job, you are the only one that can make that happen.
With five rules, you can achieve any dream or goal.
The first rule is that you must think be able to clearly define and articulate what your goal or dream is. Set goal(s) about what you want in life.
The second rule is to make a plan for the journey of how to go from here and now, to there and then. For many people, this is the journey of your life.
The third rule is to break the journey down into many small steps because even the longest journey always begins with the first step and ends with the last step. You must make a ladder or staircase with the many small steps required to achieve this goal. Every small step on your ladder requires the support of the previous steps, and will give you the solid footing needed to reach the next step. Every single step should be achievable and like concrete should be clearly defined, solid and realistic.
The fourth rule is that every day should bring you a little bit closer to achieving your next step. Time is the easiest thing to waste, and is more precious than gold or money.
The fifth rule is to stay focused on your goals. Persistence to keep trying and never give up, is required to reach your eventual goal.
With these five golden rules guiding you,your wildest dreams and goals can come true. I Wish you all the best in your learning journey!
Daniel Andrew LeBlanc