The IELTS test can be a challenge, even for those who have a high level of English. It is crucial that you learn the skills and strategies that you need to maximize your scores. Practice tests can help you to apply those skills and strategies, and learn from your mistakes.
When you are completing these tests, do your best and remember to keep an eye on the time to simulate the real test conditions. Write your answers in the answer sheets provided, just like you will on your test day. For the speaking sections, you could record your answers on your phone or on your computer. When you have finished one test, I suggest that you check your answers and review to see where you went wrong.
Don't be disheartened if you don't achieve the score you need the first time. With some practice you will improve quickly. Maybe think about where your weaknesses are before doing the next test. Perhaps you need to improve your vocabulary or your grammar? Or do you need help understanding the requirements of the questions? Or maybe you need to work on organising ideas and thinking logically?
Lastly, remember that your hard work now will help you to achieve your goals in the future, so it is definitely worth the effort!
I wish you all the best of luck in your real test, and hope that these practice tests
help you to reach your target.
James Brown
Hanna Hu
A 同學 波士頓大學英語教學研究所──
從初期接觸團體課程到衝刺階段的個人家教,James 老師針對雅思聽、說、讀、寫的部分都提供了非常專業的指導。
還記得一開始接觸雅思時後非常緊張,毫無頭緒,但跟著老師上課的節奏及課後練習之後逐漸適應,James 老師非常願意了解學生的學習需求並提供協助,我在老師的幫助下修正了很多沒注意到的錯誤跟失分項目,老師不僅非常了解考題,掌握趨勢還能夠詳細且深入的針對各式題型進行解說。
P 同學 雅思考試小白 一戰得7──
到語言樹準備雅思考試算是我嶄新的英文學習體驗,James 老師的教學精準有力,整體的學習氣氛也非常好。因為大一時有自己翻閱一些雅思考試的書,看了James 老師的著作,也選擇報名語言樹來準備雅思考試。
因為大學計畫的關係,以大三學生的身分申請美國研究所,同時要兼顧本系的課業與研究,需要在有限的時間內考到7 分。一開始我其實不太有信心,在準備考試的過程中壓力也很大,但透過正向面對及大家的幫忙,最後在寒假時順利拿到7 分入學門檻。
除了課程內容專業,James 老師也十分幽默,整體的課堂氣氛也非常積極,讓人很有動力學習。自從高中畢業後就再也沒有接觸英文寫作的我,從一開始遲遲無法動筆,到考試時可以在有限時間內順利完成文章,老師傳授的實用句型與文章的架構真的給我很大的幫助。每次作業的作文批改也非常用心,讓我能夠發現並更正一些寫作的問題。
K 同學 愛丁堡碩士──