一、 社交禮儀Social Manners
1. 問候篇Greeting
2. 自我介紹篇Introducing
3. 活動邀請篇Activities Inviting
4. 約會聯誼篇Dating
5. 歡送道別篇Farewell
二、 電話禮儀Telephone Manners
1. 接聽電話篇Answering the Phone
2. 電話預約篇Making Reservation
3. 國際/長途電話篇International / Long-Distance Call
4. 電話服務篇Complaint, Emergency, Request Calls
5. 對方不在時的用語篇Taking and Leaving Messages
三、 書信往來Letters
1. 顧客關係篇Interaction with Clients
2. 財務信用篇Financial Credit
3. 工作引薦篇Recommendation
4. 道歉篇Apologizing
5. 邀請及拒絕邀請篇Invitation: Accepting and Refusing
四、 溝通技巧Communication Skill
1. 雙方見面篇Meeting Clients
2. 委託代理談判篇Negotiation through Agency
3. 合資談判篇Negotiation with Co-investment
4. 貿易談判篇(一)Commission, Price, Discount
5. 貿易談判篇(二)Payment, Shipment, Examination, Delivery
五、 會議須知Conference Requirement
1. 會議的開場篇Opening Remarks
2. 陳述會議重點篇Stressing an Issue
3. 議題的開展與討論篇Discussion
4. 表達意見篇Expressing an Opinion
5. 總結會議內容篇Concluding a Conference
六、 簡報概要Presentation
1. 簡報前的準備篇Preparation
2. 簡報開場篇白Prolog of Presentation
3. 簡報現場篇Presentation Delivery
4. 簡報結束篇Ending of a Presentation
5. 工作進展簡報篇Progress Reporting
七、 休閒渡假Vacation
1. 旅遊行程篇Itinerary
2. 行前準備篇Preparation
3. 入住飯店篇Hotel
4. 活動安排篇Activities
5. 出遊心得篇Reflection
八、 生活飲食Eating and Living
1. 飲食文化篇Food and Drink
2. 衣著時尚篇Fashion
3. 租屋與住宿篇Renting and Housing
4. 休閒娛樂篇Entertainment
5. 日常生活篇Daily Life