作者:CLARE 可蕾兒 2023-03-29 |
商務往來書信中,為了節省時間或是讓文字看起來更簡潔有力,就常會用 英文縮寫來表達,那有哪些縮寫呢?現在來一探究竟吧!
Ltd. 股份有限公司 = Limited (company)
Co. 公司 = company
corp. 企業 = corporation
PR 公關 = public relations
R&D 研發 = research and development
HR 人力資源 = human resource
COO 營運長 = chief operating officer
CEO 執行長;首席執行官;總裁 = chief executive officer
GM 總經理 = general manager
MD 總經理 = managing director
VP 副總 = vice president
TA 目標受眾 = target audience
OEM 代工廠 = original equipment manufacturer
KPI 關鍵績效指標 = key performance indicator
ROI 投資利潤 = return on investment
OOS 缺貨 = out-of-stock
CD 定期大額存單 = certificate deposit
WFH在家上班模式 = work from home
RSVP請回覆(法文縮寫) = reply, if you please (répondez s’il vous plaît)
ASAP 儘快 = as soon as possible
EOD 今天以內 = end of day
YTD 年初至今 = year to date
OOO 不在辦公室 = out of the office
TTYL 晚點聊 = Talk to you later
CC 副本 = carbon copy
Fw 轉寄 = forward
RE 回覆/關於 = reply / regarding
NRN 不需要回覆 = no reply necessary
TBD 待確認 = to be determined
FYI 資訊供你參考 = for your information
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